Joy Baluch AM Bridge Community Event

The PW2PA Alliance invites you to walk over the newly refurbished Joy Baluch AM Bridge ahead of it reopening to traffic. The official opening will take place at 6.30pm, followed by a parade featuring: Over 250 local school students and official delegates Port Augusta Vehicle Restorers Club Motorcycle clubs representatives...

Community Bridge Walk

Please join us for a community celebration and walk across the new bridge between 10am and 2pm on Saturday, 14 May 2022. Be one of the first to walk over the new bridge before it opens to traffic. Come along and also enjoy a free sausage sizzle, family-friendly entertainment, children’s...

Access Change to Mackay Street from Augusta Highway

On 26 November 2021, the PW2PA Alliance implemented a change in traffic conditions between the Joy Baluch AM Bridge and Flinders Terrace. Since this traffic change, we monitored traffic flow and assessed where improvements could be made. As a result, it was determined that the right turn from Augusta Highway into...

Whyalla concrete company employs ten additional staff and engages local contractors to fulfill road upgrade contract

Whyalla Precast was contracted to cast, supply and deliver 21 precast concrete headstock shells for the Joy Baluch AM Bridge Duplication Project in Port Augusta. As a result of this contract, Whyalla Precast was able to employ an additional ten staff members, as well as engage a range of other...

Break your Drive – Support a Local

The PW2PA Alliance proudly supports local businesses in Port Augusta. During the Easter long weekend, many South Australians are heading out for a much anticipated “staycation”. We encourage holiday makers to Break the Drive and Support a Local. If you’re a local resident, worker, holiday maker or traveller, Port Augusta offers a comprehensive range of products...

Environmental Forum

Have you ever wondered how the project will protect marine fauna and manage construction impacts? Please join us to: hear a presentation from the Project’s Environment Manager environmental strategies which include:protecting marine fauna from underwater noise and vibration;managing construction impacts such as noise, dust, mud, water quality, light spill and...